Tis the season to be jolly or are you not feeling it? Many people can feel sad,

overwhelmed, tired, confused and much more during the holiday season. Trying to joggle life and the things that are already going on around us- throwing in the holidays can cause extra stress if not tickled and taking control over before it gets to the stressful point. This is called the “holiday stress”. The holidays are supposed to be a time to enjoy loved ones and spending time joining in on the festivities. This type of stress normally starts in the middle of November and ends in January. That is almost two months of creating unnecessary stress and not being able to really enjoy the season.
Check out these statistics that The US Highbush Blueberry Council did on “Festive Stress”(holiday stress).
Gift shopping (56 percent)
Crowds and lines (54 percent)
Cleaning (45 percent)
Knowing what to get people (38 percent)
Cooking (36 percent)
Yes, I know these numbers are mind blowing! Interesting enough there is a way around all these stressors that were listed above. In other words, with a little help these things are fixable. Here are a few helpful tips to get you ready for the holidays with less stress.
Start Early
We all do it at some point in time- procrastination. I used to be the queen of procrastination. It was almost like an energy boost when I had to get something completed in a small amount of time. Once I realized that, that energy boost was just a stress increase kicking in to push me to get it down right now. Which causes a person not to do well or give the 100 percent if they didn’t wait until the last. According to the Psych central with procrastination you will get things done but they’re the wrong things. Some even loss sleep and focus when they wait to the last minute to do things. By doing things early you give yourself time to pace yourself, so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. For example, shopping early, cleaning your home early or early planning. As far as cleaning your home- if you take one room at a time and clean that room one day and then the next day clean another or two you will be done in no time.
Get Any Major Projects Done Now
Everything that you needed to do get done before the end of the year do it as soon as possible. There is no time like right now to make it happen. This will help you reduce any extra load that should have been done by now. If you have projects that need to be completed hiring help is a good solution for the projects, you do not absolutely have to be the one to do. This will be one less thing you will have to worry about. Also, giving yourself a deadline with the projects will give you focus.
Only Purchase What You Need
This is one of my favorites! The best way to do this is to declutter your home first to find out what you already have and get rid of the things you do not need or use anymore. For instance, those old Thanksgiving or Christmas decorations that you haven’t used or thought about using in the last two years. Take those and give it away to someone who can maybe use it and full their home with joy or toss it. Only shopping for what you need in this season will keep the clutter down and keep you from overspending during the holiday season. I will suggest doing a holiday budget as well and shopping around for the best deals.
Plan It out
Plan out what you are going to have for your holiday dinners, any activities you will like to do and people you will like to invite over for the holidays. Plan out your shopping list, either gift shopping or shopping for things to decorate your home. Plan out how you will get organized so that you can make everything you have planned a reality.
Focus On The Meaning Of The Season
This is the season to be jolly, to be happy, to spread love and joy. We sometimes get caught up in the things and having to do this or that- we forget the real reason for the season. It’s a time to enjoy the moments and create lasting memories. Do not let the things that surround you flesh out the real reason for the holiday season. If you change your focus and think about what it will take to create those lasting memories this will reduce your load.
Perfection can creep in during this time causing a person to think that they must have “the perfect” holiday. Do not be afraid of the slip ups or dropping the ball and disappointing the ones you care about. I’m sure the only thing your friends and family will worry most about is the time spent, the laughs laughed, and the good food cooked! Do not let the “holiday stress” become your reality by taking over what you are trying to accomplish this season. If you take these few tips and apply them one day at a time you will be closer to a less stress holiday.